Sunday, August 26, 2012

Games of the Happy Zone

Well as it happens we have a couple from the happy zone on the road again. Yes Robert and Celeste got a bit of wanderlust and have taken off for a few days. That's nice for them but I'll tell you what, they missed one hell of a dominos game last night. We had Rich and Carole, Dennis and Lana, Debby and I all playing. You are probably asking yourself "What happened to Steve and Scott". Well they had to watch the NASCAR race. I mean please, you can't see a race like nine months out of the year on the weekends. More than likely 25% of the races are on Saturday night. So don't bother telling me that they had to watch the race. Whatever, we had a blast! We did make one miscalculation though, we let Debby keep score. Oh my gosh, that was a riot. Mind you I wouldn't have done any better, but it doesn't keep me from giggling over her job. About 3/4 of the way through the game she realized she should have been totaling up the scores as we go. We also lost track of what number we needed to start the round. But hey, she volunteered and in the end she got it done so I say, "you go girl!", however when Celeste gets back we'll turn the score pad back over to her.

Now you might be asking yourself another question, I know I did, "Where the heck were Carol and Clayton?" Well they were taking care of some things around the house. Now Carol and Clayton, if you're reading this, Monday through Friday are the days you work around the house. The weekends are reserved for The Happy Zone.

I hope everyone weathers the impending hurricane without trouble. Stay safe out there and stay tuned for next weekend, a holiday weekend. I can't wait!!!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Watchin' the Olympics in the Happy Zone

Some of our Happy Zoners have come home. Some of our Happy Zoners are on their way home. The Happy Zoner at home is feeling good. In the last few weeks we have learned canasta and we have learned and played dominoes and we are getting ready to cheer for our USA team at the Olympics. Tonight the opening ceremonies will be viewed at the Baker's. We will all be sitting around outside watching our Olympians march through the stadium and cheering and just having a great time enjoying everybody's company.

I sure do hope all of you Happy Zoners on the road are going to take some time tonight to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in London and cheer for our young athletes. Be careful all you Happy Zoners that are still out on the road we are shooting for 6 and 0 safe returns.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Canasta Tournament Results

Well it was a hard fought battle, but and there's always a but, in games with this high caliber of player, but, and I say again but, THE GIRLS WON!!!!!!!! Just incase anyone was interested.

HAPPY 4th!!!!

To all you Happy Zoner's taking in the "amber waves of grain" out there in "America the beautiful", be safe this 4th of July and know that you are missed and to all you "Happy Zoner's at Home" who are not at the campground we are missing you, be careful tonight with the fireworks and we'll see ya Friday night. In the meantime Robert, Celeste, Steve, and I are going to play canasta and have a bang up night.


God bless America (come on, I expect you to sing along) land that I LOVE, stand beside her and guide here through the night with the light from above, from the mountains to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam, (come on people, this is the crescendo) GOD BLESS AMERICA MY HOME SWEET HOME, God bless America my home sweet home.

Rich, I think you can put a little more heart into it. Carol, I didn't hear you, I know it's not Super Freak. Dennis, if you can't remember the words just read. Nice singing Lana. Scott, you were just moving your lips, that doesn't count. Penny, I don't think Gary even tried. OK everybody I think we are just going to have to practice for next year.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Debby Does Jacksonville

First I just want to say the title of this blog entry was suggested to me by Robert and Celeste who were there to witness the act. Robert and Celeste were at the title office to settle on the house, OH did I forget to mention we have new homeless people in the Happy Zone? YES, THAT'S RIGHT Robert and Celeste have officially and finally sold their house. They are homeless people now, and they are thrilled about it. So back to Debby, the report is the rain was howling in Jacksonville so badly Robert and Celeste had to wait before heading back to the Happy Zone.

So anyway, hip, hip, hooray to Robert and Celeste for getting out from under their biggest obstacle to a happy retirement. I hope all of you Happy Zoner's are having a wonderful time, where ever you are and you all stay safe and sound. More from the Happy Zone at Home later.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Water Logged Update

Okay so Noah and I were talking about how this has just been such a rainy spring and summer so far. Of course you know with men of that generation, guys that are several thousand years old, they always have to go on and on and one up you, he said he can remember rain that was so much worse, you know telling me how it just rained and rained and rained for days and days and days. After a little while I just thought oh whatever and I said goodbye, and I waved as he floated by in a ridiculous looking hugh boat. So it has been raining here in the Happy Zone and the Happy Zone is starting to look more like the wet and moldy zone but we will endeavor to go on. This weather is supposed to continue until Saturday. As I'm sitting here writing this it is pouring outside. This storm, named Debby, has turned into one heck of a trouble maker. Now that just doesn't surprise me.

Today, if all the stars are in the proper alignment and the planets are doing a perfect rotation around the sun, Robert and Celeste will be going to the settlement table. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that everything goes off without a hitch, God knows they deserve it. I'm sure that all of the settlement shenanigans will give this blogger lots of fodder for the Happy Zone at Home blog, so be looking for an update soon.

Now on to the topic of "Renters". After a snit back and forth through e-mails, Robert and Celeste's renters took off yesterday. They really were taking advantage of Robert and Celeste's good nature and when Robert and Celeste would bend no more for fear of breaking, they packed up their RV and left. Well I say good riddance, Celeste thinks they won't be back even though they were return renters, and that is a shame, but hopefully new rental opportunities will pop up. I'm not quite sure having these rental lots is worth the trouble. Just my opinion.

Well I think that's all for now kids, more will be reported as it happens. Happy travels and stay safe out there.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rainy Day Saturday

As discussed in my previous blog, "Lights, Camera, . . . ACTION", we went today to see "Men In Black III" with Robert and Celeste. It was a perfect day to take in a movie, rainy and muggy and just overall yucky. We decided on a 2:25 showing, that way we can take advantage of the matinee prices. Let me tell you what, the flipp'n price to get into a movie is high enough without having to see it at premium times.

We decide to leave the campground at 11:30 so that we have plenty of time to eat a nice lunch first. Of course, Steve and I, and Robert and Celeste are all very easy to please when it comes to eating establishments, so deciding where to go was impossible. We told Robert if he saw something that tickled his fancy he should just pull in, Celeste was a little nervous with that but acquiesced in the end. Steve remembered the Horse and Hound and made that suggestion and everyone agreed.

Well let me just tell you this, Robert was making these noises that could only be described as sexual in nature over his meal and I thought we were going to be asked to leave. After his rather obscene lunch was concluded he attempted to proposition the waitress, that was only just over the jail bait age for a dessert. We didn't let him go any further. We were sneaking in all sorts of candy to the movie for God's sake. What more does that man want?, no don't answer that, I don't want to know.

We got to the movie in plenty of time, actually we were early. I wanted a drink and Steve was thinking about getting a small popcorn, so he went up to the concession stand. He ordered a medium drink and small popcorn. The next part is the fatal mistake the clerk made, she asked him of he wanted to get a medium popcorn for just a dollar more. She held up both bags so you could get a size reference. At this point Steve frowned. He asked her how much the small popcorn, her reply was "$6, but the medium is only a dollar more". At this he was OUTRAGED, the sandwich size bag they gleefully refer to as a small was ridiculous! With his voice raised he said "the popcorn is six bucks?", he turned to me and said "can you believe this?, that bullshit and he just walked away", at this point I had a flash back to my last trip to the movies with Robert and Celeste and Robert's outrage over the price at the concession stand. Can it really be this difficult to go to the flipp'n movies. Lesson learned, don't let the guys go to the concession stand, they will only embarrass the hell out of you. On to the movie review . . .

If you don't remember the Golf Cart Rating chart please refer to the first blog. "Men In Black III" gets 4.5 golf carts. What a good movie, although I may have some pause before going to a Chinese restaurant the next time. Men In Black III had it all, great movie monster (oh gosh I'm going to have the creeps for weeks) great actors, I mean really, can you go wrong with either Will Smith (that little bit of milk chocolate is a favorite of this blogger) or Tommy Lee Jones, I don't think so, a great story line. I don't want to be a spoiler, but it even has a touching part at the end. I really like it and can recommend it completely.